Façade Enhancement Grant Program- is funded and administered by Main Street Atmore. Funds are available for exterior improvements only, and may be applied to a front, side or rear façade, provided the façade faces a public street or public parking area. The program is designed to give property owners and business owners financial assistance for façade improvement.
Preservation tax incentives are a credit that can be taken on your federal income tax amounting to 10% of the cost of the work to renovate historic buildings. www.nps.gov (Choose "Links to Past" and then "Grants & Assistance")
The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives program includes a 20% income tax credit for the rehabilitation of historic, income-producing buildings
The 2017 Alabama Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit is a 25% refundable tax credit available for private homeowners and owners of commercial properties who substantially rehabilitate historic properties that are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and are 60 years old or older. The tax credit provides jobs, increases the tax base, and revitalizes existing buildings and infrastructure, while preserving and rehabilitating Alabama's historic properties.
A tax credit for eligible small businesses that incur expenses to provide access to persons with disabilities. The expenses must be to enable the small business to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. www.irs.gov (Form 8826-IRS)
Producing Historic Buildings: The Wallace Property Relief Constitutional Amendment allows commercial, rental or industrial property to be assessed at the residential rate if the property is deemed historical. This equals a 50% property tax reduction.
As part of our Economic Vitality mission, Main Street is committed to providing training and professional development opportunities for downtown businesses. We host 4 quarterly Lunch and Learn programs featuring experts on different topics facing downtown businesses. Meetings (and lunch) are free for downtown members.
We know that connections and networking are important, so Main Street Atmore hosts merchant meetings each year for downtown businesses and managers. These meetings allow Main Street staff to provide updates on things going on in the district along with getting feedback on potential challenges or issues.